You eating Healthy?
JD Leonard
Eat Like Me
Eating is something that is one of the utmost important things we do in order to live. Usually people would like to think that they are eating ‘healthy’ or ‘correctly’, but in reality they do not understand that what they are eating is indeed not so good after all. They believe that they are in good shape, but their diet is atrocious. A lot of people’s lives are put at risk for the foods that they consume every day. I think that a ‘good’ and healthy diet would have to be the JDiet. (Just Don’t Ingest, Eat It!) This diet is made up by few foods of all different origins, mainly fast made food. Hamburgers, pizzas, chickens and all sorts of drinks. Although it is all high on carbohydrates and fat, they also have many calories easy for energy use. All of the food that this diet consist of are all mostly easy to get and at the tip of your fingers. Although many underpaid workers are in slaughter houses working many hours to prepare our fatty and meaty foods, it is disappointing to eat all of these foods. But depending on the person, if they care for the animal rights or not, the animals are the inferior species to us. The JDiet is a good way to eat and stay in shape.
When eating these foods from the JD, you need to find a balance of correct carbs and cals. Because without the balance, the diet is useless. Too many of each can cause bad things both in arteries and too much unwanted fat. But being active, which is another part of the JD, needs enough calories. Being active, meaning running, biking, and exercising are all key to stay fit and healthy. To be able to do all of this, it is necessary to have enough cals, and not too many carbs. As nice as it is to chow down on fatty delicious foods, it must be limited to small portions spaced out in time.
Meats should only be eaten once a day, usually dinner is recommended.(MUSC) Eating meats like: steak, ham burgers, hot dogs, chicken, and a few others are all good, but they are also high in fat, cholesterol, and calories. Thus, eating limited amounts and not eating too frequently can help to create a balance between it all. Doctors have recommend that carbs should make up 50-55% of our total daily energy intake. Ingesting both complex and naturally occurring sugars are especially recommended. (MUSC)
Proteins make amino acids (lipids and fats) which are good for nutrition, that is, if they are correctly marked. Protein are found in many different vegetables, fruits, and meats. But not all of these have the correct proteins needed for cellular creation. Fruits should be a huge part of your diet, both being delicious and usually nutritious, besides all of the natural sugars. Fruits such as apples and oranges are very low on fat, although obvious, people like to give an excuse of too much fruit. (ntwrks) In the JDiet, you can never have too much fruit, just too much of the same fruit. But it is quite healthy and helps you to digest the food.
Eating different foods at different times can really be difficult, depending on what it is exactly that you are purchasing. In the JDiet the food that it consists of are all very easy and mostly affordable. For breakfast, waffles (245 cals & 13g of fat) or a bagel (200 cals & 2g of fat) with butter, which is not your best friend. High on fat! So those three are all easy to buy and they make enough.
For lunch, pizza with no toppings is recommended (9g of fat & 39 carbs-wow that’s a lot). (MUSC) Pizza is definitely not one of the best healthy foods in this diet, but it is most certainly the easiest to get your paws on. Pizzerias are found everywhere, and prices vary. It is quite easy to have pizza, but make sure it is good. Hamburgers are not as easy to find, but in all of the major fast food chain restaurants you can get every type of burger. I do not recommend eating too much or even at all in the fast food nation. All of them are full of fats and too much stuff that is not good for your body. But burgers are fairly easy to find in smaller known places, not as healthy, but a good amount of bread for the day.
For dinner there is a wide selection, or all different meats, pastas, and lots of vegetables. This food is easy to find to buy, but then again, to be prepared for eating is the hardest part. But if there is someone that can prepare the food, well then your set.
A lot of people find it ‘wrong’ to eat certain things, being animals or any fast food products. A lot of other people do not really even care at all. It all depends on how you would like to eat. I think, if you like it, that’s all that matters, as long as it is not a fellow human. “According to Aristotle, there is a natural hierarchy of living beings. The different levels are determined by the abilities present in the beings due to their natures. While plants, animals, and human beings are all capable of taking in nutrition and growing, only animals and human beings are capable of conscious experience. This means that plants, being inferior to animals and human beings, have the function of serving the needs of animals and human beings. Likewise, human beings are superior to animals because human beings have the capacity for using reason to guide their conduct, while animals lack this ability and must instead rely on instinct. It follows, therefore, that the function of animals is to serve the needs of human beings. This, according to Aristotle, is "natural and expedient" (Regan and Singer, 1989: 4-5).”(UTM) I completely agree with my good friend Aristotle, he points out the good points of how exactly I think about animal rights and ethics on how people consume meats.
This brings me to my next point, of an opposition. Someone could bring up the topic of how incorrect it really is to eat animals or any of their ‘products’. Calling them a Vegetarian I would have to say that I would have to disagree with their point of animal wrong doing. I think if the species is an inferior type, then it is ok to consume them. No I am not saying that eating something inferior is ok, because then they could say how some humans are obsolete compared to others. Eating these things are ok if you’re alright with eating the animals that are already going to die early in the first place, then this is ok to push the Vegetarian diet to the side and open yourself to the JDiet.
This diet is easy to stay with, as long as you are able to purchase the food, and prepare it. Most of it is easy anyway to make. It is not the best way to eat, but if you eat it and you exercise enough and use it all in the right way, it can be great and completely helpful, not to mention healthy. The JDiet is easy to follow through with, and if used correctly, it can be one of the best ways to eat, both enjoyable and healthy.